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Oriental Spice Gourmet

Instead of going to a rock concert I was diverted to a dinner in a restaurant called Oriental Spice Gourment aka OSG.

The facade of the building is totally simple and not cool at all, as in the ambience is honestly low profile.

Once you step in, your assumptions from outside will be even more confirm once you step inside. And there is the hostess, my first impressions was she was pushy but once I settled in to order she was very accomodating and once you get used to her pushiness it grows on you.

Also, if you want to celebrate they special occassions they have functions rooms to accomodate your guests. Just ask for assisatance regarding the food to be serve if it machines with your budget and the number of people you invited the hostess is really accomodating of any reservations.

The dining area is too dark when I went there at 6 in the evening. It gave me a horror vide. And I wish there was soft music or something to break the awkwardness of the silence within.

Moving on to the ordering of food...

As I have said the hostess was pushy, and if you are used to a different dining experience you would be really turned off. I mean, I ask for a suggestion but it came of that she will tell you what to order , serve, eat and pay.

And that's what happened to me.

Food was good..

Ambience not..

Will I come back...more of NoT...

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